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Tsunami Chronicles

Book 2 Chapter Outline

Book 2: Rise of the War Lords—looks at the purpose-built Aceh Reconstruction Agency, BRR, to see how it overcame the many political, military and operational challenges that distorted the recovery program

8. Happy Landings—we were all happy in the beginning when we first set foot in Aceh to begin the giant recovery effort; that’s what this chapter is about, the honeymoon phase before the real problems started


9. Theatre of Hostility—this chapter focuses on the ongoing war that could have destroyed our recovery program and explains how we productively engaged with combatants

10. The General—this chapter is all about leadership; because we were operating in a war zone, it uses a military metaphor in describing recovery leader Kuntoro Mangkusubroto as a Recovery General to explain his leadership philosophy and practices

11. The Great Beast—the operational practicalities reconstruction are far from easy, particularly when you are dealing with such a massive post-disaster program as the one in Aceh; this chapter dives into the great operational challenges and how we confronted them as a reconstruction agency

12. Warlords—politics are an ever-present theme of any organisation and our reconstruction agency had more than its fair share; this chapter explores the tremendous internal power plays that tore and ripped at our work

13. The Sharp End— this chapter explores our most important operational job: building new houses for the half a million people displaced by the tsunami, a huge undertaking with its own distorting politics and operational pressures

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