Nicol Notes is the gateway to Bill Nicol’s books and banter.
An Australian investigative author with several books to his credit, Bill began as a print, radio and television journalist before becoming an independent consultant to business and government.
The uniting core of both careers was a desire to help communities, organisations and governments better serve their constituencies.
A strategic thinker and nuanced negotiator, Bill’s philosophical appreciation of human endeavour helped clients understand and solve some of their most pressing technical, political and organisational problems.
Often called in when challenges overwhelmed, he developed an accidental expertise in crisis leadership and disaster management.
This led to his most significant consulting contribution when, as senior adviser to the Indonesian Government, he oversaw the reconstruction of Aceh and Nias after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, one of the world’s largest and most complex recovery operations and still one of its most successful.
Now semi-retired, Bill writes occasional prose and poetry, dabbles in documentary production, runs a family office, studies financial strategy and endeavours to better appreciate the politics of ideas.